Signal Talent Acquisition and Recruiting (STAR)

Our Purpose:

To build and continuously improve upon an efficient hiring process for the franchises and Home Office to attract, hire and retain top talent.

Our Role:

STAR Process

  • Easy implementation

    • Branded Templates

    • Standard Automated Workflow with OBX position names

    • Systems and Integration Setup with continued support

    • Seamless Job Posting

  • Applicant Review

    • Branded OBX Job Postings

    • Calculated Assessment and Scoring by Tratify, a Predictive Index

    • Indeed Sponsorship Integration

  • Schedule Interviews

    • Applicant Self-Scheduling feature

    • Follow-up reminder emails

    • Conducive for Recruiting Teams

  • TalentReef Tools

    • Customized QR Codes and Text-2-Apply

    • Chatbot/Chat apply

    • Two-way texting within platform

    • Seamless Onboarding forms

    • Automated communication to Edge, Signal Apps and Payroll

STAR Advantages

  • STAR provides you with the support and tools to assist your recruiting, screening and onboarding process

  • Quickly post and promote branded requisitions in the platform

  • Cusotmized QR Codes and and Text-2-Apply to your open positions

  • Screen and track efficiently to get positions filled in a timely manner

  • Electronic onboarding with seamless transfer of data to Edge and Payroll. Make your audits easier!

  • Employee management capabilities all in one place

  • Identify organization structure needs


Our Team:

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Claire Lech

Recruiting Account Specialist

Emerie Secora

Recruiting Specialist

Ryan Main

Director of Talent Acquisition

Becky Meyer

Recruiting Account Specialist