Marketing Collateral

Our Purpose:

The Marketing Brand and Collateral department is responsible for strengthening Signal's brand identity while helping franchisees succeed in their local markets through a comprehensive collection of resources.

Our Role:

Marketing Collateral translates the Signal brand into tangible, impactful materials that resonate with customers through:

  • Brand Integrity: Ensures a uniform and consistent representation of the Signal brand across all communication touchpoints. From logos and color to messaging tone, the team meticulously aligns collateral with established brand guidelines, fostering brand recognition and trust.

  • Time and Resource Efficiency: Frees up Franchise Owners’ time to focus on core business operations. This leads to increased operational efficiency and allows franchisees to dedicate more time to serving customers and managing day-to-day activities.

  • Cost Savings: Leverages economies of scale with centralized production, enabling bulk purchasing and negotiation power. The Home Office can secure cost-effective deals with suppliers, leading to potential cost savings for the network.

  • Professional Quality: Home Office access to skilled professionals in design, marketing, and content creation. This expertise results in professionally crafted collateral that not only looks appealing but also effectively communicates the brand message.

  • Strategic Alignment: Home Office can align marketing materials with overarching strategic initiatives, ensuring the network is equipped with materials that complement local or regional campaigns, maximizing the impact of marketing efforts.

The Marketing Collateral department acts as a passionate brand advocate, a captivating narrative teller and a catalyst for franchise success by maintaining brand consistency, encouraging engagement, and strategically positioning Signal in the market.


Our Team:

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Debra Brooks

Director of Customer Engagement

Julie Koch

Marketing and Graphics Senior Coordinator