Training & Development
Our Purpose:
We’re here to empower the Signal Network with confidence and competence through learning.
Our Role:
Support healthy growth
Accountability, training and development
Best practices
Training Week
Training week is an opportunity for key employees and Franchise Owners to receive training based on their needs and role. During this week there will be training available for new owners, existing owners and key team members focusing in areas of Sales, Operations, Administration and Promise. You will have the ability to select the areas that you want to learn more about with a tailored training created to meet your needs and understanding of the topic.
Signal Performance Institute
Signal Performance Institute (SPI), also known as 360 Learning, is a system that holds all of our online training for not only your officers, but training for new franchise owners, key employees and those looking to learn more about their role in Signal. When you hire a new employee they are auto-enrolled into a SPI Learning Pathway.
SPI offers:
Easily accessible analytics and reporting on your employee’s training
Learning Paths to focus training
Game style Leaderboard
Chat Board to communicate with others across the Network
Role specific learning paths, including training for owners and officers
Performance Manual
The Signal Performance Manual is designed to assist you in the development and operation of your franchise. It is designed to provide you with valuable information about the practices, policies, responsibilities and benefits you have as a franchisee. The policies and procedures summarized in the manual are presented as information only. This manual is not to be used as an official statement of policy, but as a reference guide. It is intended that knowledge of the scope and purpose of these documents, together with the ability to readily identify how to locate and expedite information, will enhance the business opportunities of your franchise.
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